5 Reasons why you should start grooming your puppy while they’re young

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We often get asked, “when should I bring my puppy to get groomed for the first time?” And this is our answer: as soon as possible! You can bring your puppy to get groomed as early as 2 months old!

Here are 5 reasons why you should bring your puppy to get groomed when they are young:

1. Early grooming helps your pup get comfortable with being handled and groomed by a professional, easing any potential anxiety when they get older and need to go more regularly

2. Starting from a young age ensures that your pup gets used to the sound of clippers, blow dryer, and other grooming equipment (so they are not scared of it when they are older, which makes grooming almost impossible)

3. A regular grooming schedule will help keep your pup's coat healthy and free from tangles and matting

4. When grooming regularly, the groomer will be able to spot any problems with your pup's coat and nails (like dry skin, overgrown nails or any bumps/lumps that you may not notice at home) quickly and easily

5. Professional groomers will be able to provide advice on how to keep your pup's coat healthy and looking its best

To book your puppy in for their first groom at The Dawg Spa, click here!


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