Daycare Training Program

Our 6-week Daycare Training Program is designed for you, the busy pet parent, so your dog can have weekly 1:1 time with a trainer while attending daycare.

We can help your dog with:

Name recognition

Sit, stay, & release

Good manners

Leash walking

Coming when called

Polite greetings

Basic obedience

Down position

“Go to your bed”

We created this program with the intention of adding structure & mental stimulation to your pup’s daycare day, and give you the tools to help implement the training practices into your home environment.

You will get added to a private Facebook group where weekly progress reports will be posted, and you can ask all your training questions.

There are also weekly training videos for you to watch & practice your dog’s new skills at home, to achieve maximum results.

Now enrolling for November 2024

We are currently enrolling for our next Daycare Training Program, starting the beginning of November 2024. There are only 15 spots total, and registration closes the last week of October.


Weekly 1:1 training

Your dog will enjoy the benefits of socializing at daycare, with the added mental stimulation of working 1:1 with an experienced dog trainer, 1 day per week for 6 weeks. The training sessions average between 15 - 30 minutes of focused work. We want to make sure we don’t overwhelm your dog, and that they can retain their new skills & build on them over the duration of the program

Weekly progress reports

Every week after their 1:1 training session, a progress report will be posted in the Facebook group for you to review - our trainers give your dog a rating for each skill so you can see them progress each week, plus lots of valuable and thorough notes in the comments section

Private Facebook group access

In this group, you have direct access to our trainer’s advice and insight to all your training questions, and how to navigate what you’re going through at home. Plus, you can learn from other pet parent’s questions in the group - it’s an amazing, judgement-free, supportive community!

Sample Progress Report

In your dog’s weekly progress report, you’ll get ratings for each skill (based on their current skill set), as well as in-depth comments on what was worked on during the training session that day, and how your dog responded to the challenges.


We have different levels depending on where your dog is at, and can modify to suit your dog’s needs.

Puppy Training

  • Basic obedience positions (sit & lay down)

  • Name recognition

  • Socialization to humans, surfaces, and sounds

  • Handling skills & grooming desensitization

  • Beginner leash walking

  • Beginner recall (coming when called)

Your dog will also be graded on their overall manners during the training session, and their focus. We will work on these two things simultaneously while working on the above skills

Grade One

  • Name recognition

  • Coming when called (recall)

  • General leash walking

  • Sit, stay, and release

  • Down position

Your dog will also be graded on their overall manners during the training session, and their focus. We will work on these two things simultaneously while working on the above skills. They must pass a skill testing course with all of these things in it in order to be eligible for Grade 2.

Grade Two

*Dogs must pass Grade 1 in order to attend Grade 2*

We will continue further development and work on adding reliability to Grade 1 curriculum by incorporating distance, distractions, and duration.

We will also begin to incorporate a down position stay, as well as a leave-it cue, which is a useful skill to use on walks to help set your dog up for the most success. They must pass a skill testing course with all of these things in it in order to be eligible for Grade 3.

Grade Three

*Dogs must pass Grade 2 in order to enrol in Grade 3*

While we continue to work on your dog’s manners, focus around distractions, sit & down-stay and release, coming when called, and loose-leash walking at an advanced level, we will work on polite greetings while out on a walk, leave it while out on a walk, and a “go to your bed” / settle cue. Your dog will be set up for success to complete an advanced skill testing course which gets them to perform each thing they’ve learned through the duration of our Daycare Training Program!

We’ve had over 50 dogs graduate from our Daycare Training Program over the last 2+ years.


  • Great question! Your dog will be signed up for a Daycare Training spot 1 day of the week, for 6 weeks. So for example, if you signed up for a Daycare Training spot on a Wednesday, your dog wold come for daycare & training every Wednesday for 6 weeks.

    Of course your dog can always attend daycare more than their designated Daycare Training day by adding on subscription daycare, or booking a drop-in spot as space permits!

  • Our trainers are here Monday - Friday, so if you were wanting to sign up for our Daycare Training Program your dog would have to sign up for a spot in the Program during the week. This could be a drop-in spot, if you were wanting to keep your Saturday subscription spot!

  • Our 6-week Daycare Training Program is $190 + tax, in addition to daycare.

  • If your dog already comes to The Dawg House for daycare & has passed a Trial Day, you can contact us directly to inquire about availability & open spots in our Daycare Training Program. One of our trainers will help you get signed up!

    If your dog does not come to The Dawg House for daycare yet, please fill out a New Client Application form (linked here: and indicate that you are interested in signing up for the Daycare Training Program in the application. If your dog is a good fit in our social daycare, then we can proceed with the Daycare Training Program registration.


  • "Thank you for your time and attention to all the pups on their training. Razor always enjoys his time with the trainers and his Dawg House friends."

    -K. Mueller

  • "Big thank you to both of you for everything you've done for Jasper! To see how far he's come makes me so happy! Can't wait for the next session. "

    -C. Higgs

  • "We took our year old lab Otis here for their 6 week training class. We were amazed at the progress he made each week and overall."

    -Dustin J.



Our 6-week Daycare Training Program is $190 + GST in addition to daycare.

This Program is available on weekdays, with limited spots each day.

Now enrolling for November.

Registration closes the last week of October.

Apply for our Daycare Training Program

If you are already a regular daycare client, click the button below to apply:

If your dog does not come to The Dawg House for daycare yet, click the button below:

Questions for us?

Contact our training team.